Autorka zamierza tu wykazać, że to pomiędzy stanowiskami Kanta, Humboldta i Droysena ukształtowała się ontologiczna i antropologiczna optyka, jaką w odniesieniu do zagadnień historyki i dziejów przejmuje również Collingwood. Jej formułą na oddanie ludzkiej rzeczywistości był dualizm. Oznaczało to, że aby właściwie odnieść się do człowieka, ujmować go trzeba na dwóch planach: w konkretnej historycznej postaci, ale też od strony totalności "natury" ludzkiej, możliwości istnienia, jakie w sobie zawiera. Drugi z tych planów filozofowie i filozofujący dziejopisarze XIX wieku nazywali duchem. Referując węzłowe punkty, autorka szkicuje w artykule, jak pogłębiało się jego rozumienie na linii prowadzącej od Kanta do Droysena. Collingwood staje po st...
Some main historiographic aspects of R.G. Collingwood historicism are considered as basic elements f...
Through a consideration of the views of R.G. Collingwood on historical knowledge and conceptual chan...
This thesis seeks to resolve three propositions. The first concerns the continuity of history. It ma...
Niniejszy esej stanowi zbiór podstawowych poglądów brytyjskiego filozofa Robina George’a Collingwood...
History was long considered a somehow second-rate discipline, incapable of producing true knowledge ...
R.G. Collingwood’s name is familiar to historians and history educators around the world. Few, howev...
The philosophy of history is undergoing something of a revival. Much has happened since its heyday i...
While Collingwood’s Idea of History (IH) is an excellent resource for defending history’s autonomy, ...
R. G. Collingwood (1889-1943) representa, para a cena intelectual inglesa da primeira metade do sécu...
The philosophy of history is undergoing something of a revival. Much has happened since its heyday i...
Yüksek Lisans TeziYirminci yüzyıl düşünürü Robin George Collingwood çağa özellikle tarih felsefesi ç...
This thesis advances a new reading and interpretation of the philosophy of Robin George Collingwood ...
The relationship between history and myth suffers from an ambiguity from which a philosophical topos...
Does R. G. Collingwood's theory that concepts in philosophy are organized as “scales of forms” apply...
he philosophy of history is undergoing something of a revival. Much has happened since its heyday in...
Some main historiographic aspects of R.G. Collingwood historicism are considered as basic elements f...
Through a consideration of the views of R.G. Collingwood on historical knowledge and conceptual chan...
This thesis seeks to resolve three propositions. The first concerns the continuity of history. It ma...
Niniejszy esej stanowi zbiór podstawowych poglądów brytyjskiego filozofa Robina George’a Collingwood...
History was long considered a somehow second-rate discipline, incapable of producing true knowledge ...
R.G. Collingwood’s name is familiar to historians and history educators around the world. Few, howev...
The philosophy of history is undergoing something of a revival. Much has happened since its heyday i...
While Collingwood’s Idea of History (IH) is an excellent resource for defending history’s autonomy, ...
R. G. Collingwood (1889-1943) representa, para a cena intelectual inglesa da primeira metade do sécu...
The philosophy of history is undergoing something of a revival. Much has happened since its heyday i...
Yüksek Lisans TeziYirminci yüzyıl düşünürü Robin George Collingwood çağa özellikle tarih felsefesi ç...
This thesis advances a new reading and interpretation of the philosophy of Robin George Collingwood ...
The relationship between history and myth suffers from an ambiguity from which a philosophical topos...
Does R. G. Collingwood's theory that concepts in philosophy are organized as “scales of forms” apply...
he philosophy of history is undergoing something of a revival. Much has happened since its heyday in...
Some main historiographic aspects of R.G. Collingwood historicism are considered as basic elements f...
Through a consideration of the views of R.G. Collingwood on historical knowledge and conceptual chan...
This thesis seeks to resolve three propositions. The first concerns the continuity of history. It ma...